
Saturday, October 2, 2010

No Turning Back Now

I have officially registered for the 6K a few weekends from now. I'm excited, scared, and hopeful all at one time. Oh, and a little bummed! My BFF will not be running with me after all because of temporary joint issues, so I'll have to go it alone. Which is sorta where the scary part comes in.

I was a competitive swimmer when I was young and into high school. I ended up hating the sport because my finishing place and times were so darn important. I was so stressed out about it, and ended up quitting because it was driving me crazy.

When I started playing soccer, I realized what I'd been missing in a true team sport all those years! Not nearly as much pressure on self, and a real sense of team-work. I loved it. Then I rowed in college, and that was really in a league of its own, team-mentality-wise.

So here I am again, doing something where individual place and time is a focus (for some) and it's running, which is not at all a natural talent area for me. What is wrong with this picture?

I guess I just want to be able to check a race off my list of to-do's. Or to celebrate what has been many months of hard work and discipline. A grand wave goodbye to years of unhealthy habits.

Whatever it is, I'm doing it, and because I'm stubborn, there really is no turning back now.


  1. Congrats on signing up for the race. Just do your best, don't worry about the numbers.
    You'll do great. Have fun!

  2. Great post. I did my first 5k yesterday and I felt so many of the same feelings. I was so nervous. Luckily I only signed up the night before!! And I did it all by myself too. And let me tell you, I am so proud of myself not only for doing the race, but for doing it all alone! No one to hold my hand...I did it all by myself. It must be the new Jen :)

    You will do great. I was so nervous and now wish I hadnt spent the time worrying(even though it was only like a day). But thats me!!! Worry Worry. and yes, I am stubborn too!


  3. Congrats on signing up for the race!

    I too am highly competitive with myself and it was a big thing to deal with when I first started racing. I knew there was no way I could smoke my competition, but that little part in me was still competitive and it was tough watching all those runners go out (and stay out) so much faster than me. I've found it's much easier to deal with as an adult. Although I am still quite competitive with myself, just no longer against others.

    Good luck in your race. I look forward to hearing about your experience.

  4. You are going to do awesome in this race. Congrats for signing up girl! I can't wait to read all about it.

  5. congrats for doing the 6k anyway, you are going to do great!
