She was in my lap, which there's more of now, and was nesting as she tends to do, and urged me to quit losing the soft, squishy, fat to which she's become accustomed. For the same reason I loved my mother's extra padding, my daughter likes mine.
But what's special about this is not that I'm gonna disappoint the poor girl and keep trimming down, but that she used the term, "skinny up". This is well beneath her typical vocabulary, and as I thought about it, I realized why.
We don't talk about fat or skinny people. We don't talk about pants that, "make me look huge", or thunder thighs and muffin tops around here. With two growing girls in the house, I have made every effort never to criticize my body in word or attitude within a ten mile radius of them, because I desperately want them to focus on more important things than fad diets, butt sizes, and superficial body assessments.
They are healthy. They eat well. They get plenty of exercise, and they live in a beauty-obsessed culture which I'm doing my best to shelter them from for as long as possible. So when it comes to Mommy losing weight, they just don't have the vocabulary for it, because all of these months, Mommy has been going to the gym to "get healthier" and they've not really associated this with my shrinking fat cells.
They may have not even noticed, as gradual as this process has been, if it weren't for the ladies at church who keep bringing it up in front of them. Their praise is something I really want to appreciate, but it's been sending a signal to my girls I really wasn't ready to address. But I have now talked to them about it, being the 'more info from home is better than less' type mother that I am. I've talked to them about why we don't have junk in our house. Even so, sometimes people can eat pretty well and still not get enough exercise (their understanding for why I was heavier before).
I hope it has all made sense to them. I think my youngest realizes that no matter what, Mommy will have a squishy hiney and belly she's welcome to sink her little self into.
So onto these lovely pictures....taken today to share with you all that I too, am a trendy chick. (My buddy Lynn is laughing hysterically right about now, because she knows that when it comes to most trends, my knowledge sits somewhere even with a man who's been hiding under a rock for the last century).
Truly, my Yahoo homepage mentioned the new "Jegging" trend, which is how I found out about it. Jeggings are the combo of jeans and leggings, for those of you who have more important things to read about. I saw some celebrity examples of this new fashion trend hitting our very own streets of America, and folks, they are hideous. Worse than high heels and tight jeans with leg warmers on top. Worse than blue eye shadow. Worse than what I did to my hair in the 80's.
But, when I saw them, my mind's eye flickered to that pair of size 10 jeans with stretch from Land's End that have been sitting in my closet for at least a year, waiting for a butt skinny enough to cover.
And my butt? Not skinny enough yet ;) But I can zip em! Here's where the blogosphere shouts, "Just because you can zip them, doesn't mean you should wear them!!"
I know, I know. I won't be seen dead in these jeggings until they are less 'egging' and more 'jean'. So, another 15 pounds or so might do it. In the meanwhile, I thought I'd pass along a chuckle or two, at my butt's expense.
ReplyDeleteI have to add Im not giggling :)
I love the promise of jeggings/streeeeeeeeetchy jeans....havent ever venture to try em on.
You look great in your jeggings. The kids will get used to their Mom who has now Skinnied up ;) Congrats on all your progress.
ReplyDeleteYou are doing such an awesome job with your girls! I like the jeggings. They look cute. :)
ReplyDeleteThose are NOT jeggings!!! Those are jeans and they look fabulous on you!!! OMG. I have to get down there to see you before you disappear completely.