
Monday, August 30, 2010

Oh Muscles, Why So Wimpy?

I've noticed something that bothers me just a tad.

Each week I do three interval classes (Step and weights combo), one or two Power (BodyPump) classes, one Yogalates, and a Step class. Every now and then something comes up, but that's my usual routine. During the Interval and Power classes, we invariably work most muscle groups, including the biceps.

So why are my biceps not getting stronger? I've increased my weight for all other exercises, but I struggle like crazy with my biceps. They are bulkier, that's for sure, but what good is the bulk (which I could do without) without the extra strength?

Are any of you muscle-people who can offer some sort of advice or info on the subject?

In other news, I think my hip may be on the mend. I may have to test it with a 6 mile run just to be sure, but if all is well, I will be one elated lady!!


  1. for me different muscle groups grew stronger at REMARKABLY different rates.

    My back?
    still wimpy mcgee after all these years...


  2. I second Carla - it just comes in spurts for me too. Many people recommend heavy, slow lifting for strength - but I'm NO expert!

  3. Hi There! Thanks for commenting on my blog. It's how I find new blogs to inspire me! Can't wait to catch up with yours. Just gotta tell you that the song "Beautiful" cued up when I came here, and I have fallen in love! I had to go look up the lyrics! What a BEAUTIFUL song!!

    I'm not at the fitness level ya'll are talking about yet. YET! Still doing the treadmill thing, but one of these days I'll get there! I look forward to being further inspired by your blog. And it was a great thing to change the name. Good insight, mom!! :-) I've added you to my fav blogs list on my sidebar. Come back and see me again sometime!! Blessings!
